Programme Peer Review

You’ve spent time and money creating a programme for your next contract, but…

Just how good is it, and how do you know for sure?

Many Contractors have major problems with their construction programmes and don’t even know it. They’re guessing that it will be ok, and that means they're gambling with major contract risk…

  • Risk of over-runs
  • Risk of failure to gain Extensions of Time
  • Risk of Liquidated Damages

How do you know if there’s a problem?  Ask yourself 3 questions…

  1. Does the programme break down all work into the individual component tasks that each trade needs to perform in order to build the project.
  2. Are all tasks linked together, not just the predecessor tasks, but also the successor tasks (if you don’t know how to see successor tasks in your programme then the answer is almost certainly No)
  3. Do all tasks have resources assigned to them (the people who will carry out the work)

If the answer to any of these questions is No, then you have a problem.  If the answer to all 3 is No, then you have a big problem, and there’s only one choice.

You need to Fix it…

If you’re not sure how to Fix it, let us have a look at it for you Free of Charge, & No Obligation.

Just email us at and ask us to have a look at it. We'll call you back on Zoom and carry out an in-depth review of your programme right there and then, on the spot for Free.

Not One Dollar, Nothing!. 

We’ll give you a full in-depth review that highlights any problems and tell you what needs to be done to fix it and protect your money… because that’s what it boils down to.   

Then you can either:

  1. Fix it yourself
  2. Ask us to show you how to Fix it yourself
  3. Ask us to Fix it for you

We don’t care which option you choose, just do something!

What’s in it for us?

That’s Easy… there are enough of you out there, who will see the major benefit in having us on the team!

Our Services
We specialise in expert construction programming services to help you focus on delivering your project on time, and on budget.
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Our diligent team of Construction Programming Experts are ready to help you get your projects back on track so you can start saving time and money.

Construction Programming Consultants

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