Construction Programming Blog: Latest News & Articles

September 16, 2022
Menlo Academy: Our Ultimate Construction Programming Resource is LIVE!

Have you heard the news? Menlo Academy is live! Come check us out and let's get to grips with Construction Programming. You may remember our announcement post from last year, well it's finally time to head on over to our site where you'll find all you need (and more!)

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October 3, 2019
Why is it Late??

Ever wondered why your projects finish late, or why you can’t keep to the construction programme schedule?  Simple truth is the programme was probably wrong from the start. Large projects typically take 20% longer to finish than scheduled and are up to 80% over budget. (source McKinsey Global Institute) Programme is the top performance measure […]

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September 22, 2019
Is Your Programme Up To Scratch - Fingers Crossed

Look at your construction programme schedule and ask yourself these three questions: Does my programme provide a logical list of all the individual tasks (trade by trade) which must be performed, in order to build the project? Does my programme link the dependencies of all the tasks to be performed, both with the tasks that […]

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